Another Win Despite Biden’s “Gestapo”

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Tuesday’s primaries gave conservatives another win before November. Harriet Hageman (above) steamrolled RINO Liz Cheney in Wyoming for a potential House seat. Hageman will face Democrat Lynnette GreyBull in November, but is expected to win easily.

This continues the trend of Trump-backed candidates roundly defeating moderate Republicans. Liz Cheney, who was politically untouchable five years ago, lost to Hageman by 29 points. She was one of only two Republicans on the J6 committee—both anti-Trump—who agreed with Democrats that:

  1. No cross-examination would be allowed
  2. Defense wasn’t permitted to present its side

For a woman who campaigned on defending democracy, Liz Cheney has been one of its worst offenders.

Undeterred by her resounding defeat, Cheney compared herself to Abe Lincoln in her concession speech and suggested she’d seek higher office: 

“Abraham Lincoln was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all,” said Cheney. “Lincoln ultimately prevailed, he saved our union and he defined our obligation as Americans for all of history…” 

Conservatives mocked her aspirations on social media, happy that the Cheney dynasty is finally over. Polls suggest her chances at the 2024 presidency are slim-to-none. President Trump continues to hold a commanding post at the top, with 56 percent of Republicans choosing him over Ron DeSantis and others. Cheney is at the bottom, with two percent.

Democrats’ Desperate Measures

Democrats hope to indict Trump on federal charges, which could be one way to stop him from a 2024 presidency. After pressure mounted following the raid on Mar-a-Lago, AG Merrick Garland held a press conference where he was notably nervous and reading from a teleprompter.

  • Garland claimed that Trump held unclassified documents at his home, and there was no other way to get them than to send 30 FBI agents on a 9-hour raid, which included rifling through Melania’s closet. 

The material was readily accessible, according to a signed statement by Trump’s lawyers, backed by witnesses who say they had been cooperating with the National Archives to turn over whatever was needed. The most recent correspondence was in June. 

Nevertheless, the FBI crashed into President Trump’s home, taking several boxes of documents and other items, including President Trump’s diplomatic and US passports. When Trump reported his missing passports, CBS News said he was lying according to their sources at the FBI.

  • They were proved wrong when Trump produced his copy of the FBI email accompanying the return of his passports. 

Trump’s lawyers weren’t permitted to be present for the search, but Eric Trump says his dad has video footage of the raid and will release it at the right time. 

Biden’s Personal Gestapo

The peaceful demonstration of Trump supporters outside Mar-a-Lago and some angry posts on social media were used by Democrats and the media to claim “a violent civil war is underway.” And then, as if on cue, an armed man fired into the FBI office building in Cincinnati last Thursday. 

He fled, was confronted in a standoff, then was fatally shot. The man was also at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and posted his intents to attack the FBI earlier on Thursday. But his account was only active in the weeks before the attack.

AG Garland said that he feared for the reputation of the agency—while refusing to release any part of the affidavit that was used as the basis for the raid. The Justice Department says doing so could compromise its investigation, other probes, the possibility of future witness cooperation, and the safety of agents and individuals named in the affidavit.

Bruce Reinhart, the Obama judge assigned to the matter, agreed to release the affidavit after giving the FBI a week to redact certain information, including the name of the confidential informants.

  • Reinhart, as we’ve explained previously, worked both sides of the prosecution against Jeffrey Epstein. First, he was a prosecutor with the DOJ, then he jumped ship to defend Epstein’s pilots and his scheduler.
  • He also recused himself in a lawsuit between Hillary and Trump, so one could ask why he agreed to be an impartial judge over the issuance of this warrant.

We may end up with an affidavit with more blacked-out text than readable information. 

Americans are highly suspicious of the FBI’s motives. A new Rasmussen survey reveals that the country is split: 50 percent approve of the FBI’s raid and 46 percent disapprove. However, 53 percent of likely voters view the FBI as “Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo.” 

Babies’ Bodies in the Basement?

Sam Harris, noted atheist and author, has said openly that the Left is anti-democracy. He bragged in an interview with Triggernometry that it was important to do whatever it takes to end Trump. He fully supported a phony Russia hoax and the censorship of Hunter’s laptop by the press—whatever it took to get Biden into the White House. He noted:

  • “Hunter literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement.”
  • “I would not have cared.”

There seems to be similar thinking at the Biden Department of Justice. The FBI has been working since 2015 to politically destroy Donald Trump and paint “far right” Americans as criminals. The plot to kidnap or kill Gov. Whitmer (D-MI) was actually coordinated and funded by the FBI, using a rag tag bunch of loners whom they recruited through the internet. The plot failed and the trials of the men they recruited prove the guilt of the FBI. 

Same Crew Behind Russia Hoax

The FBI continues to share leaks with the press to shape the narrative—such as suggesting that Trump was planning on giving away US nuclear secrets, and that security tape footage from outside the storage room at Mar-a-Lago reveals something incriminating. These tall tales from anonymous sources keep a cloud of suspicion hanging over the former president.

The same agency plans on taking months and months to go through all of the documents seized at Mar-a-Lago. This ensures that the threat of criminal referrals will hang over Trump’s head indefinitely. There are still hundreds of January 6th defendants behind bars for misdemeanor crimes. Add to that 87,000 new armed IRS agents, part of the “Inflation Reduction Act,” and many of Americans have the feeling that they really are out to get us.

Kash Patel, a former Trump official, suspects the raid on Mar-a-Lago is part of a cover-up to ensure the dirtiest details about the Russia hoax are never revealed.

He says this is the same counterintelligence crew that have been behind protecting Hillary and Hunter Biden and fomenting the January 6th events.

Patel believes the remaining documents are the “insurance policy” that FBI agent Peter Strzok and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page planned to use to stop Trump. A Republican majority in the House could force these documents to be exposed.

Donald Trump has suggested something else. He wonders if the FBI planted phony information during the raid that they would later reveal to be “discovered.”

Americans Don’t Believe Biden’s Promise

The Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law by the President on Wednesday, and Democrats are already admitting that it won’t reduce inflation right now—you have to wait for the effects to kick in. The Congressional Budget Office suggests that, contrary to President Biden’s promise to protect those earning less than $400,000, this bill will raise prices on the middle class by $20 billion over the next ten years. 

  • How interesting that Ford and GM announced they are raising the prices of electric vehicles by an average of $7,500—the same amount the bill provides in tax credits for those who purchase electric vehicles! 

While the American people are most concerned about inflation, bad leadership, and the failing economy, the Biden administration is focused on “green energy,” and implementing racial equity in the EPA, and pumping “$369 billion into confronting the climate crisis”—per the President.

A survey from Morning Consult found that only 48 percent of Democratic voters believe it “will make inflation better.” This means that the other 52 percent thought it wouldn’t make any difference, would make inflation worse, or had no opinion. Among all voters, only 24 percent believe it will reduce inflation. 

This week is the one-year anniversary of the embarrassing and dangerous pull-out of Afghanistan, and we have just learned that it was the gateway to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. According to declassified intelligence, analysts warned Biden as early as October 2021 that Putin saw a window of opportunity to invade Ukraine because of the “humiliating U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.” 

Why this Matters: Other polling reflects that three-quarter of Americans are unsatisfied with the way things are going in the US. But not all of them are unhappy with the Biden administration. They also concede we’re a divided nation, including those who won’t be happy until Donald Trump wears an orange jumpsuit. The mainstream media takes every excuse to paint Trump supporters and “Q-Anon followers” as domestic terrorists and garbage human beings. If you are white, Christian, a patriot, against the indoctrination of children into queer anything, then you are the enemy of the state.

It’s important to hang onto what we know. God wins. The rest is His Story that unfolds until time runs out. We will be bringing you more on the demonization of what God has called righteousness so that you can be fully armed. After all, we are a spiritually armed insurgency—equipped with weapons to fight a non-carnal war against a demonic horde. 
How to Pray: Pray for President Trump’s safety and that he would humble himself before God. Pray that Christians will stand strong for God despite the pull of our culture. Continue praying for truth to be exposed and for believers to WAKE UP and recognize the wiles of the enemy. 

Prov. 16:6-7 – By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. When a man’s ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.


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