Abortion Leading Killer of Black People

A new study released by the University of North Carolina reports that the leading cause of death in the US among African Americans is abortion. It accounts for 61 percent of deaths in that sector of the population. Overall, abortion is the leading cause of death in the US, causing twice the number of deaths […]

Democrats Wish for Death of Republicans

Republicans are being targeted for violence. The latest victim was Rep. Steve Scalise, who nearly died last week from gunshot wounds. Thank God, his condition has been upgraded this week to “fair.” The shooter, James Hodgkinson, carried a “hit list” of 30 Republicans in his pocket. Thanks to the heroic actions of his security detail, Hodgkinson […]

The Electoral College: Designed to Prevent Tyranny

  “Bear in mind this sacred principle: that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.” –James Madison Many people are questioning the validity of […]

Syria: 2011 to Present

History of  the Syrian Civil War The Syrian civil war began with the arrest and torture of teens who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall.

Free Trade Agreement Reached with 12 Nations

The U.S. and 11 other Pacific rim nations agreed Monday on the Trans-Pacific Partnership which simplifies trading between partners. It is purported to affect 40 percent of the world’s economy. A White House spokesman says more than 18,000 taxes imposed on America exports by Pacific rim nations will be eliminated, while import taxes on foreign goods […]

Iraq, Iran and ISIS: Where We are Today

When U.S. military pulled out of Iraq, they left weapons and equipment behind for Iraqi troops to use in their fight against ISIS. Today, those same items are being used by ISIS against the Iraqis.

Mysterious Wars and our Place in History

This photo is from the Vietnam War, when so many Americans hated the idea of the war and dumped their anger and wrath on our soldiers. Imagine being right out of high school, drafted, and sent into the jungle! It wasn’t your idea or your war. You fought and maybe died for people who hated […]