The Candidates Talk about Israel

At the American Israel Public Affairs Conference (AIPAC) on Monday, four of the remaining five presidential candidates talked about U.S. foreign policy–especially with regards to Israel. The candidates giving speeches were Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich. Bernie Sanders did not attend or speak at the event. Hillary Clinton – Delivered a […]

Europe’s Enemy Within

Groups of Syrian refugees–mostly young men–gathered on the banks of the Rhine River in Cologne, Germany New Year’s Eve. They weren’t alone. There were thousands of native Germans there to enjoy the fireworks. That abruptly ended as angry, roving bands of 20 to 30 Muslim men targeted the German women for sexual assault. The offenses ranged […]

ISIS Crucifies Christians

A 12-year-old boy, his father and several others were crucified by ISIS in a village near Aleppo, Syria. When these members of a Christian ministry team refused to convert to Islam, the five men and the boy were tortured and then crucified. Christians in another area were also asked to renounce their faith. When they […]

Who Won the Republican Debate?

Some say Donald “trumped” it! Read summary and watch highlights from the Republican debate.

Republican Presidential Debate TONIGHT

Hear From the Candidates!

The Day 5 People’s Opinions Changed a Nation Forever

On Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court announced its 5-4 decision to make same-sex marriage the law of the land. Never mind that laws are supposed to be written in Congress and voted on by men and women elected to represent the views of their constituents. Never mind that the Supreme Court justices are […]

Imperfect Citizens of the Kingdom

The news the past week was more about social issues inside our nation that what’s happening outside. Bruce Jenner became “Caitlyn,” and allegations of sexual misconduct were leveled against a former (and very well-liked) Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert. And probably the nosiest news of all was the sexual deviancy of Joshua Duggar–oldest son […]

When Tolerance is Intolerant

When Tolerance is Intolerant There is a new flavor of compromise in Sweden that won’t tolerate Christian beliefs. Medical professionals can no longer be openly pro-life and must lay aside their convictions to keep their jobs. Sweden’s National Coordinator Against Violent Extremism linked pro-life views with ISIS, claiming both are populated by extremists, with pro-life […]

When being Smart Makes You Stupid

I appreciate smart people! My husband is smart about a lot of things, including directions. In our 28 years of marriage, he has gotten lost all of three times. He’s an air traffic controller, so it’s no wonder. As for me, I get lost at the mall! The Bible has a lot to say about what’s good–including understanding […]

Who is Dr. Ben Carson?

Dr. Ben Carson announced his 2016 Presidential Bid this morning from Detroit to a mostly white crowd. He spoke simply and honestly about his upbringing, his understanding of who America is and what the founders envisioned, and what he would do as president. Early Struggles Carson first talked about his mother, saying she has always had a […]

Christians in Africa and the Middle East

April 5, 2015 Five masked gunmen from Al-Shabaab raided a college campus in Kenya on Thursday, separating out those who couldn’t recite the Islamic creed and killing them. It is a grim reminder of the threat facing Christians in Africa and throughout the Middle East. Syria is another place that has become dangerous for Christians. […]

Praying Citizen

Praying Citizen is written to help Conservative Christians keep abreast of important news and the things that matter so you will know how to pray.