Clinton Vilifies the “Alt-Right”– Is she Talking about You?

Last Thursday, Hillary Clinton spoke to an audience in Reno, and made headlines by attacking Donald Trump and his followers. She referred to them as the “Alt-right.” This is what the mainstream media has labeled “populist, nationalist, racist and conspiracist groupings who see themselves as the alternative to mainstream political conservatism.” Hillary’s first accusation was […]

Trump Details his Economic Policy

Donald Trump was in Detroit on Monday speaking to the Economic Club, where he detailed his “America First” economic plan: Tax Simplification – 12, 25, and 33 percent tax brackets for individuals American companies will pay no more than 15 percent in taxes Parents can fully deduct childcare costs The “death tax” is eliminated A […]

Loretta Lynch: We May Never Know Orlando Shooter’s Motives

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said during a press conference that the Justice Department may never know why Omar Mateen entered an Orlando gay bar and shot 100 people, saying people often act out of more than one motivation. Lynch promised there would be a full investigation into his motives, saying federal investigators are still […]

Donald Trump Names Eleven Potential Supreme Court Picks

Eleven names of potential justices for the Supreme Court were released by Donald Trump on Wednesday. Trump met with the Heritage Foundation and one other conservative organization before revealing his choices. Saying he would like to appoint judges in the mold of conservative Antonin Scalia, Trump named eight men and three women, all pro-life. Several […]

Abortion Exceptions and Transgender Bathrooms

Donald Trump spoke out on the campaign trail, saying he would change a plank in the Republican Party platform to make three exception to protecting the life of the unborn child. Those would be in the case of rape, incest, and endangering the life of the mother. John Katich agrees with Trump’s position, but Ted […]

Two New Efforts to Force the Left’s Agenda

Seventeen Attorneys General have banded together to target any companies that challenge climate change politics. New York AG Eric Schneiderman said at a press conference that any companies “committing fraud by lying” about the dangers of climate change will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law. Exxon Mobile is one of their targets. […]

Clinton takes Misstep, Calls Unborn a Person

Hillary Clinton was asked when or if an unborn child has constitutional rights and her answer angered some in the abortion rights community. She said, “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.” She followed by saying there is legal room for reasonable kinds of restrictions on abortions after a certain point in time. Her responses go […]

Finally, a Clean GOP Debate!

It’s just a few days before 433 delegates are awarded in Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, the Virgin Islands, D.C., Guam, Wyoming, and North Carolina. This was a clean debate–the candidates disagreed, but they did not attack each other. Rubio, playing to a home crowd at the University of Miami, had an excellent night. Cruz and […]

Who Won the Republican Debate?

Some say Donald “trumped” it! Read summary and watch highlights from the Republican debate.

The Day 5 People’s Opinions Changed a Nation Forever

On Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court announced its 5-4 decision to make same-sex marriage the law of the land. Never mind that laws are supposed to be written in Congress and voted on by men and women elected to represent the views of their constituents. Never mind that the Supreme Court justices are […]

2016 Presidential Race Welcomes Rick Perry

Former Texas governor, Rick Perry announced his candidacy for president on June 4. He is the tenth Republican to join the race. In his announcement speech, Perry credited farming, family and serving his country with helping him develop good values. “I know America has experienced great change, but what it means to be an American has […]